
Posted by BT

"If people don't need each other, they will spend little time together telling stories to each other, and if they don't know one another's stories, how can they know whether or not to trust one another?" -Wendell Berry

"When community is wounded and a culture of individualism takes over, people stop looking out for each other. When this happens, as it has in America, the needs of the poor, the homeless, and the broken go unmet. In the absence of self-sacrificial love for one's neighbor, the government is forced to step in and help. To run these programs, they must tax the people. As it turns out, these government-funded programs are often initiated with good motives but typically produce poor results. Even worse, the person who could be an effective servant and who could be part of the solution for a hurting person is encouraged by these programs to have a mindset that says, 'I pay taxes for the government to take care of this!'--he or she has contracted the disease John Locke calls 'social loafing.' Rigor mortis sets in to our muscles of human justice and kindness; sadly, this kind of sedentary apathy is difficult to reverse in a culture of consumerism." -Randy Frazee

This entry was posted on 08 February 2007 at 10:59 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


definitely. after seeing Montana de Luz and the Wharton's world as well as some readings in Lesslie Newbigin's "Household of God" this was a really resonant post.

1:24 PM

The first one resonates within my soul currently - I miss the interaction that we had within our large small group. Sometimes I wonder if I caused the downfall by trying to "improve" upon it. I wonder where it went and why it went there.....

But the second is seen all over the area that I work in - I believe you could also make a complete cross-over with taxes to tithe - those that pay there tithe believe they have given all that is required from them at church. They do not need to keep an eye on the global church because their faith promise money has been given. Or they do not need to help out with a student ministry because that's what they pay the youth pastor with their tithe money - it can factor into so many different parts of our life.

12:52 AM

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