Newest Projects  

Posted by BT

I've been excited the last couple days to learn about the new projects I'll be working on. Yesterday I received a call from Barefoot Ministries, the youth publishing company for the Nazarene church. They asked me if I would edit their teen curriculum based on the lectionary. Very cool. They're sending me a contract.

Then, in my email today, I received my next proofreading project for Youth Specialties: you can see it by clicking here. It's a re-release of a book, but it's one I've been wanting to read. I'm especially interested in one of the authors, Brian McLaren. I haven't yet had the privilege to read anything of his yet, so I'm anxious to get started.

Now reading: Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller.
Cardinals: NL Central Champions; Magic Number: 11

This entry was posted on 22 September 2005 at 12:59 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



I am interested in finding out how you got plugged into the editing field. I have always thought it would be my dream job. Number one, I love to read. Number two, I am constantly editing whatever I read anyway, so I might as well get paid for it! I am forever complaining to James about all the errors in the newspaper, etc . . .

Anyway, I can't remember if you have an English degree, but I think you do . . . Is that necessary??? Any tips you could give would be much appreciated!


9:29 AM

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